Jason Brennan and Peter M. Jaworski's Markets without limits: moral virtues and commercial interests. New York: Routledge, 2016, 239 pp.


  • J. Alden Stout Morningside College, United States
  • Amy Carothers Morningside College, United States




Jason Brennan, Peter M. Jaworski, J. Alden Stout, Amy Carothers, markets, moral limits

Author Biographies

J. Alden Stout, Morningside College, United States

J. Alden Stout is an assistant professor of philosophy at Morningside College. His main research interests include political philosophy, philosophy of economics, and finance ethics.

Amy Carothers, Morningside College, United States

Amy Carothers is a sophomore currently studying English, theatre, and philosophy at Morningside College in Sioux City, Iowa. She is mainly interested in the philosophy of politics and religion.




How to Cite

Stout, J. A., & Carothers, A. (2016). Jason Brennan and Peter M. Jaworski’s Markets without limits: moral virtues and commercial interests. New York: Routledge, 2016, 239 pp. Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 9(2), 203–207. https://doi.org/10.23941/ejpe.v9i2.238