The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics launches a new section
The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics is thrilled to announce the launch of a new section in the journal, ‘Into the Archives’, aimed at popularising—and contextualising—archival work previously unavailable in English or previously unpublished manuscripts written in the English language.
‘Into the Archives’ has a ‘paired format’—each submission includes two types of text:
(1) An (annotated) translation of an archival article previously unavailable in English or an (annotated) previously unpublished manuscript written in the English language.
(2) A research article of standard length (4,000–8,000 words) that either introduces the (translated) archival text in its wider historical and intellectual context or that uses it to advance a novel—for example, philosophical, historical, or methodological—argument contributing to the relevant contemporary literature.
The archival text needs to be of interest to the philosophy and economics community, broadly construed, and it could have been written by, for example, an economist or a philosopher (or other scholars contributing to the field).
The latest issue of the Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics contains the first pair of papers:
(1) Jan Tinbergen’s 1930 article “Mathematical Psychology”, translated by Conrad Heilmann, Stefan Wintein, Ruth Hinz, and Erwin Dekker.
(2) “No Envy: Jan Tinbergen on Fairness” by Conrad Heilmann and Stefan Wintein.
We encourage scholars, particularly those working with archives, to either make a submission or to contact the editors with proposals for this section. The proposal needs to include information about (1) the respective archival text; (2) (in case of translations) the ability of the author(s) to translate the text; (3) and a brief summary of the main argument or idea of the accompanying research article. The editors are committed to working closely with the authors and/or translators, both through review and production.
We especially encourage Junior Scholars (currently enrolled graduate students, or scholars who have graduated within the last two years) to submit proposals. Research articles accompanying archival texts accepted for publication will be considered for the Mark Blaug Prize, awarded biennially.
For questions or proposals, contact the editors at