Announcement: Special issue
EJPE invites submissions for a forthcoming special issue on Philosophical Contributions to Degrowth. Click here for more information.
The Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics invites submissions for a forthcoming special issue devoted to Democratic Economic Planning scheduled for publication in the winter of 2024.
Invited Contributors:
In recent years, we have seen considerable critical engagement with the contemporary market capitalist economic order. Contemporary capitalism is often associated with economic inequality, the undermining of democracy, the domination of workers, and environmental destruction. But when it comes to specifying what an alternative economic order might look like, authors often remain vague. For example, labour republicans contend that the economic domination of workers must be overcome through workplace democracy, but they say relatively little about how this might work in practice. The participatory economics tradition, founded in the work of Michael Albert and Robin Hahnel, has done a great deal to specify in more concrete terms how worker democracy and citizen participation in the running of the economy might work in practice. They present a democratic alternative to the centralised economic planning of the former eastern bloc. The most comprehensive account of the participatory economics model to date is given in Robin Hahnel’s (2021) book Democratic Economic Planning.
For this special issue, we invite contributions that examine the relationship between democracy and the economy, especially those focusing on alternative forms of economic organization such as economic planning. We are interested in contributions both from political economy/economics and political philosophy/theory. Contributions in political economy/economics could, for example, deal with practical matters of democratically organizing the economy and the allocation of resources. Contributions in political philosophy/theory might critically examine the normative ideals underlying proposals for the democratisation of the economy, such as participatory economics or workplace democracy. Contributions that adopt an interdisciplinary approach spanning both economics and philosophy are particularly welcome. We are interested in contributions which deal with these matters from a variety of perspectives and schools of thought, including but not limited to, Marxism, anarchism, liberalism, and republicanism.
Deadline: Texts should be submitted by: 15th June, 2024 through the journal’s standard submission system.
Length: Texts should be in the range of 4,000–8,000 words. We may consider shorter pieces (2,000-4,000) submitted as critical comments.
Peer-Review: Submissions will go through the journal’s standard peer-review process. Please make a submission through the journal’s standard submission system. The special issue is scheduled for publication in the winter of 2024.
Questions: If you have questions, feel free to contact the editors at
Announcement: Special issue
EJPE invites submissions for a forthcoming special issue on Philosophical Contributions to Degrowth. Click here for more information.
Announcement: New section 'Into the Archives'
EJPE is launching a new section in the journal, 'Into the Archives', aimed at popularising—and contextualising—archival work previously unavailable in English or previously unpublished manuscripts written in the English language. Click here for more information.
Interview with EJPE editor Benjamin Mullins
Our editor, Benjamin Mullins, was recently interviewed by Erasmus University Rotterdam about Diamond Open Access publishing. You can read the full interview here.
Mark Blaug Prize
The Mark Blaug Prize for 2020/2021 has been awarded to Malte Dold and Alexa Stanton (Pomona College). Read more about the winners of the 2020/2021 prize.
Mean months to acceptance: 6.6
More data can be found here
EJPE is supported by:
Erasmus Institute for Philosophy and Economics (EIPE)
EJPE is published by:
Foundation ("Stichting") Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics
Burgemeester Oudlaan 50, 3062 PA Rotterdam
Registered at the Dutch Trade Register Chamber of Commerce number: 61919004
ISSN: 1876-9098
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